Please enjoy the scribblings

Cant really think of any high brow postmodernist u see X factor last night?

Monday, 25 January 2010

Baldovino Barani

I stumbled across this photographer when searching for cinematic photography. I do feel he possesses a number of elements present in cinematic photography such as the dramatic scenery perhaps only surpassed by the extreme use of makeup and special effects such as the examples above.

I feel this 3-D effect was perhaps achieved through the use of photoshop and after examining the series I feel this effect could be emulated. In comparison to my last posts, this series of photographs is much more fashion based and narrative seems to play a much smaller role than the last. It is rather clear that Baldovino Barani has had an extensive list of people helping him and this level of professionalism is present in his imagery.

I have been inspired by the use of strong vibrant colours present in his imagery, and the rather qwarky clothes and makeup. His style is instantly recognisable and this is something that I feel I shoud be working on, as I found alot of my imagery last year was too bland and plain.

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