Please enjoy the scribblings

Cant really think of any high brow postmodernist u see X factor last night?

Friday, 15 January 2010


This concept would involve rather strong Victorian overtones due to nature of the masquerade theme and could entitle Victorian-esque clothing, however it could be as minimal as simply the typical masquerade mask, shown to the right.

Either way the makeup design elements will be intricate and will be an very important element of this shoot. The designs themselves will of course be open to debate as I'm sure stylist students will have a much better grasp of this subject than me, and better ideas to accompany their designs.

I was looking for a number of sources to gain inspiration and I stumbled upon a few music videos that have a winteresque thematic theme to them.

Tonight, Tonight by The Smashing Pumpkins

Nobodies by Marilyn Manson

Sonne by Rammstein

Despite the music not being to my taste the fact that I could remember the videos implies they do have an original and captivating style. Again these are very rough guidelines.

It is quite hard to decided whether to follow the humor orientated deliberately staged style of Tonight, Tonight video or the more dark and grim surrondings of the latter two. Again I am open to new ideas and concepts this is simply initial research and does not have to be integrated into the concept.

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